Vermin Swarm

Beneath the surface of their former empire lies a hidden threat that few remember. Waiting only for the right moment to strike, these creatures are as treacherous as they are ruthless, infesting any nook or cranny they can find. Empowered with diabolical technology and hordes of pestilent beasts, their greatest wish is always to reinstate the inescapable dominion of the Vermin Swarm.
Long ago, Sunna was able to unite the tribes of men and overthrow Vermin supremacy over Avras and most of Vetia. Since that time, the rat-people have laid low, but they have been far from idle. Their great Houses, heritage from an Avrasi past, are divided and pursuing their own ambitions for now, yet every one of them is a threat to the nations above. If the Swarm’s political and religious institutions could come into alignment, who knows what devastation they might wreak.
Vermin Plague Prophet (AOW104)
A Plague Prophet has the tools and powers to spread all kinds of virulent and devastating epidemics,..
63,00 RON